Representation of disability and ability 

In films, people you suffer from disabilities are often represented in many different ways. Some could be positive, some could be negative. A perfect example this is in the scene from Wonder called the School Tour.

In this scene, people with disabilities such as Auggie, are represented in a negative way. They are represented as being shy, quiet and being afraid of people. This is evidenced by the use of character facial expressions and movement and sound ( both an element of mise-en-scene, which are micro elements of film form). When all the children walk into the science lab, Julian asks Auggie some obvious questions to try and make him feel stupid. Auggie then turns his face away from them and doesn't say anything. He is then told by Jack that he has to reply to Julian and say something, but when he speaks, he is still looking at the wall and he answers in a very quiet way.

This representation strengthens the stereotype that people with disabilities are quiet and scared to speak to people and that they always try to hide away from others because they don't have any confidence in themselves. It also reinforces the fact that people with disabilities are much more likely to be bullied and that they are spoken to like they are stupid or a small child. It also backs up the stereotype that abled people always question people with disabilities.


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