
Showing posts from November, 2018

Submarine pictures

In this picture, Jordana (played by Yasmin Paige) is standing in the centre of the screen. The background of the picture is completely blurred compared to Jordana, who is very visible and easily to see. This suggests that she is the main focus in this picture and that nothing else is going on in the background. It could also be what Lloyd is seeing and we are looking through eyes, because Jordana could be the most important thing for him and it could be the main focus in his life. The lighting on her face compared to the dark underside of the pier, implies that she is a bright character and again, could also be the light if Lloyd's life. The camera shot is slightly below eye line, which proposes that Jordana may think that she is more important than everyone else and she is better than everyone. In this image, the character Lloyd (played by Noah Taylor) is sitting directly in the middle of the screen. Although everything is visible on the pictur

Horror Moodboard


Film Commodity, Art, Entertainment and Education


The Horror Genre
